Common name: Ginger
Latin Names: Zingiber officinale


Ginger is a tropical plant that has green-purple flowers with aromatic rhizome (underground stem). It is commonly used among people in cooking or even as a medicine. This practices have been that long times before by the old people. They may probably do not know what it actually done, but they are sure they give good effects.
It was cultivated in China and India, and reached the West at least 2000 years back. Most of the Chinese’s traditional medicines’ prescriptions are combination of variety of herbs and ginger is used nearly half of that for mediating the effects of the other ingredients. Besides that, it stimulates the appetite and calm the stomach. Differ with European herbal traditions which use it to stop nausea and quiet upset stomach.

The benefits of ginger root to health are countless. It has antiseptic, stimulating, digestive, expectorant, aphrodisiac (arousing sexual desire), carminative (relieve flatulence), anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, that can be used to treat a wide range of ailments and illnesses.

Nausea and vomiting
It has been proven that ginger is generally effective as an emetic (relieves vomiting). Ginger root helps in preventing, relieving and reducing motion sickness and nausea and vomiting related to pregnancy or in other word ‘morning sickness’. Nausea and vomiting due to chemotherapy and seasickness also can be reduced by ginger. However, large doses taken during pregnancy is discourage due to concerns about mutations or abortion. Additional researches are carried to determine the safety of ginger during pregnancy.

The juice of ginger root is very effective in curing gastrointestinal and digestive ailment such as diarrhea, food poisoning, constipation and indigestion. This effect is attributed by zingerone, a compound in ginger that also contributes to the pungent taste. Its carminative properties help to relieve food poisoning symptoms and also cure bacterial dysentery and intestinal infections.

Pain and Inflammation

Ginger also acts as anti-inflammatory and analgesics. Effectiveness can be seen especially among the osteoarthritis of the hip or knee and rheumatoid arthritis.

The effectiveness may be related to inhibition of prostaglandin and leukotriene biosynthesis. 8-Gingerol, not 6-Gingerol was shown to inhibit COX-2 expression, which is induced during inflammation to amplify formation of prostaglandin.

Menstrual Cramps
Ginger juice when used together with some lemon juice in lukewarm water, is very beneficial in treating painful and irregular menstruation.
Soothing effect of the ginger give an advantage that helps to relief stress, depression and anxiety.

Fresh root, dried root, capsules, tablets, tinctures, and standardized products. The dried roots have synergistic interaction between compound in essential oil and pungent principles such as gingerol.
1. Ginger capsules should be taken with a full glass of water or fluid.
2. Ginger can be taken the day after surgery to prevent post surgery nausea but should be stopped at least three to four days prior to surgery, due to the fact that it can make blood platelets less sticky and therefore increases the risk of bleeding.
3. Patients with gall bladder disease should avoid it
4. Do not exceed the recommended dose.

Steven Foster. (1996). Herbs for Your Health: A Handy Guide for Knowing and Using 50 Common Herbs. United States. Interweave Press
Packer L., Choon Nam Ong, Halliwell Barry. (2004)Herbal and Traditional Medicine (Molecular Aspects of Health). United States. Marcel Dekker

by Siti Latifah Azirah Bt Mohd Noor
  • About Us~

    Alternative & Herbal Medicines blog is created by a group of 8th batch pharmacy students of International Islamic University Malaysia.This blog is one of our course assesment for Information Technology in Pharmacy.Lots of thanks to our course coordinator.This blog is purposely to create awareness among society regarding alternative and herb medicines.
    Nur Afifah Bt Shuhardi
    Norashikin Bt Mohamad Sapuan
    Noorasyikin Bt Osman
    Aimi Nabilah Bt Hashim
    Siti Latifah Azirah Bt Mohd Noor
    Nur Nadhirah Bt Mustaffa

    Aimi& Nadhirah

    Aimi& Nadhirah





    Kak Syikin

    Kak Syikin



    Beauty Tips~

    (a) Brighten the face
    Take a grasp of pegaga with its root, boil with two glass of water until you can make a glass of the boil, filter and cool it. After that, drink it once a day after supper for three times a week.

    (b) To constrict womb
    make eating of the pegaga as ‘ulam’ as a habit. Consume it

    until your womb becomes constrict.

    (c) To get rid of the black spot on face
    crush the leaf of the pegaga to small pieces
    and mix with “bedak sejuk “ , then apply it on your face.

    (d) Aloe Vera For Face

    1)All you have to do is remove the green rind of the leaves and use the pulp inside it.

    2)You may cut open the leaves and apply the gel directly or remove the rind and then use the gel.

    3)Apply it on the face and wash it off after thirty minutes. You may also keep the gel overnight.

    Face masks can also be prepared with aloe gel.

    1)You can prepare one by mixing equal amounts (one tablespoon) of aloe gel, ground oats, honey and ground almonds.

    2)Apply it on the face and neck and rinse off with lukewarm water after twenty to thirty minutes. The pure one can be the best aloe vera gel for face, but, if you find some commercial version more useful, you may opt for the latter.

    Healthy Recipe

















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    Nature's Cure


    asparagus Voice

    Scientific Name vs Local Name(malaysia)

    1. Pereskia sacharosa - Jarum tujuh bilah

    2. Ficus deltoidea - Mas cotek

    3. Orthosiphon stamineus - Misai kucing

    4. Labisia pumila - Kacip fatimah

    5. Pogostemon cablin - Nilam

    6. Zingiber zerumbet - Lempoyang

    7. Kaempferia galanga - Cekor

    8. Ghoniothalamus umbrosus - Kenerak

    9. Morinda citrifolia - Mengkudu

    10. Gnetum gnemon - Melinjau

    11. Melastoma sanguineum - Senduduk

    12. Solanum torvum - Terung pipit

    13. Curcuma xanthorrhiza - Temu Lawak

    14. Cosos caudatus - Ulam Raja

    15. Donax grandis - Bemban

    Do you believe that herbs is the best alternative medicine??

    does herbs have negative effects to your body??

    you prefer to use drugs in pharmacy rather than herbs...

    you have a little knowledge about herbs because the uses of herbs are not popular in your life